Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Topics for Essay 1

I will admit I am kind of doing this backwards since I have already written my paper.  However, I would like to share with you what some of my main topics were in my paper.  I start out by going back to my childhood and remembering how I was an extremely picky eater.  Although, I haven't out grown my picky eater syndrome I can gladly say that I am much less picky today.  One of my main issues that caused me to be so picky was my texture issue.  Until this day I won't eat a peach or apple unless their is no skin on it.  Yes, I know I sound like a 3 year old but oh well that's just how I am.  You think that's bad?  I used to not even grapes, strawberries, or blueberries just because of the texture.  So basically everything that was healthy for me I didn't eat.
Another area I focus on in my paper is how most of the time I will make a meal that doesn't take me long to prepare instead of spending the time to make a fresh one.  However, I have been making a conscious effort to take the time I need in order to prepare a better meal.  Lastly, I discuss in my paper that people who dumpster dive for food should come to my dumpster because I waste a lot and for no reason.  I have problems eating things when they are past their expiration date and usually just throw the food in the trash. :( I don't know why I am so wasteful because my mom has told me that she has made me a meal using something that was expired and I was just fine.  This paper made me set goals for myself to not be as picky and not be wasteful!    


  1. Last year I had some roommates who would go dumpster diving whatever they brought back seemed to taste fine to me.

  2. When I was in college, I had friends who went dumpster diving at Sweetwater's on a regular basis. I ate their donuts on Saturday mornings for weeks before I learned the truth!!! I still think about all those "dumpster doughnuts" every time I make a stop at Sweetwater's :)

    Your post reminded me of my husband. After a year of marriage, he has finally gotten to the point of asking me if I think something is bad instead of just throwing it away.

  3. I suffer from being a really picky eater too. When I comes to food I'm still a picky little kid.
