After reading this I was amazed with how much food was made and eaten in one day. As soon as I thought the dinner was over....there came more food. Food and wine, that's the life of Trimalchio. When I read the part about the pig getting cut open and all the blood and guts I wanted to puke. The amount of food that was brought out for one meal was more food then my whole family made on a typical holiday gathering like Thanksgiving or Christmas. I get that he was trying to show off his wealth, but seriously you could have probably fed two football teams with the amount of food at his feast. Why did he have to have all that food? Yes, it was a feast, but come on there is no way all of that food was eaten/needed. But hey I guess the saying goes "If you got it flaunt it". Might is well let people know that you are "stuffed" with riches.
Did anyone else think Mr. High and
Almighty was rude? He seemed so snobbish like everyone was beneath him. At least that's what I thought. I don't understand how
Trimalchio could have the younger life, like he did and then grow to be some rich prude to flaunt his wealth in everyone's faces. Grow up... oh wait he did and became even more of a snob. I didn't like how he treated his servants when they did something wrong. We all make mistakes and usually most of them are unintentional, but yet they had to be punished. I get that mistakes need consequences, but his were a bit extreme if you ask me. Overall, I found this reading to be interesting especially because I never thought a meal could have that many courses. I hope that if I ever become rich unexpectedly I will be humble with my wealthiness and remember the "middle men".
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