Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Migrant workers

Cajas de carton by Francisco Jimenez starts out by telling us how his family emigrated from Mexico to California where they worked in the fields.  When it was time for one season to end and another to begin they would have to pack up everything they had into their vehicle and drive to try and find work.  When strawberry season ended his family had to back up and head to Fresno to hopefully find work picking grapes.  The first labor camp they arrived to did not leave work, but luckily the foreman told them to try another house down the road.  This labor camp had work and the foreman told his family that they could stay in the garage and they would have work all season long.  The garage was not very clean and needed a lot of work.
 While the boys were working in the field they would have to hide when the school bus came by so that they did not have to go to school.  The conditions in the fields were rough.  It was 100 degrees out and if you drank too much water you would feel sick.  Being a child I couldn't imagine working in conditions like this.  I know I wouldn't last long at all.  It wasn't until the grape season was over that the children went to school.  When Francisco got to school it took him time to get the English words to come out of his mouth.  He struggled to read and his only friend was his teacher.  He was just starting to get comfortable and even began learning how to play the trumpet.  He was so excited to tell his parents when he got home that day. However, when he did arrive home he saw that everything was packed up and they were moving again.  This is so sad because Francisco was finally starting to feel happy at school and he had something to look forward to, but unfortunately it was time for him and his family to move on.  The life of a migrant worker is no joke.  They work hard in terrible conditions all day long with little breaks.  I think we all should have to work a day in the field to see what they have to endure to get us our fruit and vegetables.    

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